Independent and personalized preschool education for our young explorers.
Age: 2-6 years old (regardless of nationality or household registration)
Average teacher-child ratio: 1 to 3.5
Languages of instruction: Chinese and English
2-6 years old (regardless of nationality
or household registration)
Average teacher-child ratio
Languages of instruction
Chinese and English
I belong
I can see my teachers waiting
for me.
Smiling and waving, ready to
greet and welcome me into
Hello, Ni hao, bonjour,
Hola we say!
Hop, Skip, and a Jump
let’s go inside!
I am independent
I put my bag away, hang up my
jacket and take out
my water bottle.
The classroom door is open,
inviting me in.
There are interesting and
curious things to explore.
I contribute
Time to come together, to join
as one class.
Let’s have circle time.
Let’s learn something new.
Let’s sing, let’s dance,
let’s talk, let’s listen
and let’s do!
I learn
Moving onto literacy time,
it’s workshop time.
We will listen to reading, share
our reading, guide our
reading, choose our reading
and be in our reading!
We will write some letters,
write some words, write some
notes, and write some stories.
But best of all we will be
authors, poets, illustrators,
book creators and publishers!
I snack. I exercise
What is next? You guessed it!
Time for a snack! Yummy fruit so healthy!
Then we can go outside to play, run, jump, and climb.
Nature awaits us. It teaches us. It calms us. It connects us to Earth.
I count
123 we begin. Some days we
count during math.
Some days we explore shapes.
Some days we measure.
There is math everywhere.
Our brains are full.
We work as a class.
We work in a small group.
We work alone.
We do our best and our
best is just right!
I lunch
I smell it. Lunch is coming. Yum!
Healthy, balanced and just the
right amount for me to eat.
I eat and then I get ready to
sleep. My body is growing,
and this is what it needs.
My wellbeing is cared for.
I explore
Animals, science,
countries, people
Ice, snow, sun, and fire!
So many amazing things
to explore.
It’s UOI time where the world
comes to me.
Where I can learn, touch, feel,
see, smell and taste
The world around me.
Enriching the lives and minds of our children so they learn and thrive
The ability to enrich lives and minds comes from passionate, expert educators.
Enrichment takes care and adds extra value. It comes from really understanding how children
learn and expanding their talents so they thrive today and for the future.
A joyful home away from home
Home is the place of safety and trust. Learning at Cloudland starts with
this sense of security and adds the joy of discovery, support and success.
Healthy Body, fulfilled mind,
engaged spirit
We believe that a community
should raise children with
healthy bodies, fulfilled minds,
and also engaged spirits.
We aim to offer all our students the knowledge to choose to lead a healthy life, develop good study habits, and have quality problem solving skills to handle the challenges of growing up and living a diverse life, no matter what the
future holds.
Inspiring Learning Community
We strive to enhance and promote learning and cooperation. Our kindergarten is a place where everyone receives a sense of welcome and belonging.
We want our children to grow up in a safe, natural, loving, caring community, full of inspiration and surprises. Where mistakes are seen as opportunities for growth.
Our children have emotional stability, self-identification,and affirmation, and possess a sense of belonging to the school and community.
Service Leads to Happiness
Our children receive
recognition, giving them a sense of acceptance and belonging. We encourage them to feel respect
for individuals, respect for their families, appreciatoin for our school and our community members, as well as other cultures. Through this they will understand how to make their own valuable contribution to fostering an inclusive environment.
We Connect
We believe that good
relationships are the
foundation of all education
and learning.
When children have good
relationships with their
inner-selves, good
interactions with their
families, and good
connections with their teachers and friends in the school, they
build an accurate and strong
identity for themselves their
family, and their community.
They also develop excellent communication skills and confidence.
Curious Scholars
It is the nature of children to play. Children play to learn
and play to create their own
identity and realize
It is the responsibility of our
school to foster curiosity and allow students to explore and create in the process of playing, and build confidence in themselves and in their ability to learn and grow.